Free Crypto Sanction Screening
Crypto Sanctions screening involves checking against an ever-changing watchlist of businesses, organizations, individuals, and government agencies to protect against fraud and illicit activity. All Crypto industries and Web 3 platforms must comply with crypto sanctions screening rules and regulations.
Crypto sanctions screening and sanctions screening in general helps to keep bad actors from committing identity theft, detect and prevent financial crime, and also works to restrict trade with countries and groups that have broken international laws.
However, Government sanction lists can be tricky to keep up with, and failure to comply can mean large fines. Hence, our crypto sanction screening tool can help you keep up with sanctions screening lists and protect your industry from high-risk individuals and organizations. This will in return create room for more legitimate customers for your platform and help you become crypto sanction compliant.
Simply verify if the blockchain addresses have been added to OFAC Sanction list or belongs to a sanctioned entity here: